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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Tag: judaism

On Chanukah (and Beyond) Representation Matters

While people often tell me Spokane is very Christian and conservative compared to Seattle, we found it incredibly open and inter-faith-friendly when compared to Oklahoma. The Jewish population is small in Spokane, but, we didn’t feel as ignored or treated with hostility as we did in other more conservative areas.

Holy hip-hop: The amazing world of rapping clergy

“Rabbi Sid - The Rappin’ Rabbi” is an experience to which no words of mine can truly do justice.

Ask A Jew: Is God Masculine or Feminine?

In Judaism, G-d is discussed using both masculine and feminine words, with the masculine being used most often.

Ask A Jew: How do you deal with problematic passages in the Tanakh?

Judaism is so old that it is foolish for any modern Jew to disregard its history entirely. Why throw away millennia of rich tradition?

Ask A Jew: How does one become a rabbi?

To become a rabbi, one goes to seminary. There are different schools for different movements in Judaism.

Matzoh isn’t Jesus: 10 misconceptions about Jews and Judaism

Being Jewish, especially in a very Christian place like Spokane, means frequently having to deal with misconceptions about your cultural and religious traditions.

Ask A Jew: How is Judaism both a religion and a race?

There are reasons Judaism seems like a religion first and foremost in the minds of many, if not most, non-Jews.

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