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Friday, April 19, 2024


The Unbearable Brightness of Seeing. And Then not.

A few years ago, my optometrist told me I had age-related macular degeneration. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in people over age 65. I’m lucky. Now 87, I’m still pretty functional, although I carry a flashlight and find myself using it more and more.

Not Great at Goodbyes? Cannabis Smoke Adds New, but Classic Twist to Funerals

Every culture has some way of saying good-bye, whether it’s a permanent send-off or wishing them well in the hereafter. Public celebrations encourage people to gather to support each other and perhaps share positive, inspiring lessons from the deceased.

Chatbot: The Latest Representation of Jesus for the AI Age

Jesus has been portrayed in many different ways: from a prophet who alerts his audience to the world’s imminent end to a philosopher who reflects on the nature of life. But no one has called Jesus an internet guru – that is, until now.

How a Mysterious Indian Religious Figure United Hindus and Muslims

Shirdi Sai Baba’s influence was monumental in shaping Indian spirituality. He encouraged both his Hindu and Muslim followers to read their respective holy texts to become the best versions of themselves. He rejected material offerings and spent his life in contemplation, eschewing orthodoxy.

How I Escaped from the Shiny Happy People, but Still Had Survivor’s Guilt

As I watched the hit docu-series "Shiny, Happy, People," I realized I needed to address a different set of questions: How did I — a child raised into that organization — break free? How can anyone break free of misguided, fundamentalist religious movements or cult-like organizations and, yet, still retain any kind of religious belief?

Truth Doesn’t Care. Or Does It?

How would we deal with the realities of our daily lives if we admitted another brazen statement: Truth doesn’t care?

Beyond Zero-Sum: Let’s Work Together Toward Unity

“Zero-sum” describes a situation or game in which whatever is gained by one side is lost by the other: winner takes all. Our culture thrives on it. Take sports. Rooted in zero-sum attitudes, sports epitomize much else in our culture: politics, our judicial system, business and, of course, war.

Must read