48.5 F
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Christi Ortiz

Christi Ortiz is a licensed marriage and family therapist by profession and a poet by passion.  She enjoys trying to put to words to that which is wordless and give voice to the dynamic and wild spiritual journey called life. She lives in Spokane with her husband and two children, Emmanuel and Grace. She loves the outdoors and meditating in the early mornings which gives rise to her poetry.

Love Trumps Hate

Perhaps we should be grateful to Trump Rather than be depressed, angry, or mystified

Religion is like a recipe

Religion is like a recipe that points the Way to the Tao, the Dharma, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Poem: The Deep

What nourishes your life's work? From where do you draw your strength?

Discovering God

We are called to discover God as a little child. Have you ever watched a child just beginning to crawl and discover the world around them?

Poem: My Soul

so my soul is made for you, oh God

POEM: Wu-Wei

By Christi Ortiz   Ancient wisdom reminds us it is not in the doing, the best things in life you cannot force, like love, joy, peace, generosity, forgiveness, and lasting...

POEM: Tears, our Holy Water

The world needs us to cry more, to cry tears of repentance, tears of grief, tears of compassion,

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