47.2 F
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Christi Ortiz

Christi Ortiz is a licensed marriage and family therapist by profession and a poet by passion.  She enjoys trying to put to words to that which is wordless and give voice to the dynamic and wild spiritual journey called life. She lives in Spokane with her husband and two children, Emmanuel and Grace. She loves the outdoors and meditating in the early mornings which gives rise to her poetry.

POEM: The Gift of the Present Moment

Remember the gift of the Now with its timelessness preciousness

POEM: Remember who you truly are

We are a species of contradictions So intelligent, so powerful, with minds and hearts and creativity and ability so wide yet vulnerable and perhaps blind to our shadow side

POEM: Spacious Awareness

Spacious Awareness like the eagle’s perch provides the bird’s eye view

POEM: The mother or the egg?

We too are held in the womb of God Gifted with the spark of life and held in compassionate care

POEM: Nature’s Wisdom

May my faith be as courageous and fierce as the lion May my insight and wisdom be as piercing and discerning as the eagle

The First Thanksgiving: There’s always room for one more

And so you pilgrims arriving at our borders, you have arrived just in time as we celebrate this feast of abundance and gratitude and honoring tradition.  And so may we honor the tradition of those who hosted the first Thanksgiving feast, because the reality is there is usually always room for one more at the table and still enough food to go around. 

Don’t fear the ‘Miss Take’

Sometimes it seems we are so afraid to follow Spirit’s nudging because we fear making a mistake.

Must read