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HomeTagsFreedom of speech

Tag: freedom of speech

Sapere Aude — Dare to know, Dare to speak

Freedom of speech and religion have a long and tangled history.

We can’t coast through life without being offended

After the horrific shooting at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices in Paris and following attacks in Paris stores, newspapers around the world had to make a pivotal decision.

Jesus Satire, Stephen Colbert and free speech

Around the same time the YouTube trailer sparked violence in parts of the Muslim world, Harvard Professor Karen King disclosed an ancient papyrus in which Jesus supposedly said “My wife …”

Christians believe Jesus was never married and the insinuation that it might be otherwise could have seemed sacrilegious to a vast number of Christians.

Spokane’s religion wrap-up: The Spovangelist, Yom Kippur, Life Center and “Innocence of Muslims”

In the chaos that was last week, I didn’t get a chance to write a religion wrap-up and I really wanted to give a shout-out to The Spovangelist. Editor-in-Chief Alayna Becker  gave us an outstanding review on Sept. 10 and you should all go read it. The Spovangelist gets what we’re all about and we can’t wait to work with them further.

With freedom of speech comes responsibility

I appreciated Zainab Abdualjaleel’s article, “This attitude is not part of Islam….just like the movie should not represent Christianity”, about protests in the Islamic world arising from an internet video lambasting Muhammad and Islam. Her article, and comments, are well worth reading.

Russian punk band found guilty of ‘hooliganism’ and ‘religious hatred’

A Moscow court on Friday (Aug. 17) found three members of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot guilty of "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred" after a guerrilla performance in Moscow's main cathedral in February. They were sentenced to two years in a penal colony.

Must read